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Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in the volunteer options at Rooftop. Our school is a special place that thrives because of the wonderful parents and caregivers who donate their time and talent. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents, to get to know your teacher and to show your child that his/her education means a lot to you.

The list below outlines the various volunteer duties available at the school. For additional information, please email

PTA Board Positions 

  • President

  • Vice President of Twin Peaks

  • Vice President of Mayeda

  • Secretary 

  • Treasurer 

  • Auditor

  • Parliamentarian 

  • Historian

  • Fundraising Co-chairs

  • Membership

  • Outreach

  • Communication Co-chairs

Classroom Volunteer Positions

Class Liaison

Liaison between teacher and parents.  Assist with distributing pertinent information, soliciting for classroom volunteers and field trip chaperones  (as needed/requested from the teacher), collecting funds for teacher’s gift(s). Time commitment: Varies with teacher’s needs and request.


Help children make book selections, file returned books, operate on-line system for book check outs, make bookmarks and assist with special projects as needed.  Time commitment: 30-45 minutes/week per class schedule.  Librarian:  Amanda Collins.

Class Art Lead/Volunteer
Facilitate and assist students with weekly art projects per the Art Is…program.  Art family leaders develop or assist with art curriculum in collaboration with teachers and school art resources.  Time commitment:  1 hour/week per class schedule.  Art Coordinators can be reached at


Assist students in completing in class assignments and projects.  Time commitment:  30-45 minutes/week per class schedule. Major maintenance and work parties also scheduled throughout the year.  Teacher: Amy MacWilliamson.


Sensory Motor

Supervise children grades K-2 as they master gross and fine motor skill while sliding, zipping, climbing, rolling, swinging and moving.  Time commitment:  1 hour/week per class schedule.  Teacher: Dani St. Arnault.

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