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School Site Council (SSC)

Each SFUSD school must have an elected School Site Council (SSC) to represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process. The SSC has a number of important responsibilities, including: Reviewing and analyzing student achievement data, gathering community input, helping develop the Academic Plan and the school site budget, and monitoring the implementation of the plan and budget. The SSC plays a legally mandated role in school governance. Any parent can run for the School Site Council, and all parents can vote for the parent representatives on the SSC. SSC representatives are elected for a two year period.

In addition to the SSC, Rooftop has another elected advisory committee called the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).  This advisory committee helps underrepresented students and their families play a larger role in school governance.  A school with 21 or more students designated as Limited English Proficient must set up an ELAC. The ELAC advises the principal and the SSC on bilingual programs and services for English learners. Members of the ELAC are elected by the parents of English learners.

The SSC and the ELAC bring diverse ideas to the table, and help the school craft a shared plan for improvement. The most effective councils and committees are able to focus on the big picture, make a concerted effort to achieve authentic participation of staff and families, diagnose problems, develop innovative and effective solutions, and work collaboratively to monitor progress. Each February, SSC members from all district schools are invited to attend the School Site Council Summit. At the Summit, SSC members can learn about new district policies, review projected budget allocations for the following school year, and collaborate and share best practices.  Additionally, the SSC meets on a monthly basis at the school site.

For further details, please visit the School Site Council resource page on SFUSD’s website or contact Rooftop’s School Site Council at

Meetings posted on the Rooftop Calendar.

Stay tuned for updates on the 2024-2025  School Site Committee.

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